Why Should I Use Natural Products?

July 31, 2019 0 Comments

It’s the age-old question I hear time and time again… “Why should I use natural products?” Well, there are many reasons why natural plant-based products are superior to chemical-based products. But let’s start with a simple question, “what is a natural product.” Webster’s dictionary defines a natural product as a chemical compound or substance produced by a living organism—that is, found in nature. So to simply put it, a natural product is something that is created using mostly ingredients that are found in nature. From my research and experience, the human body was designed to process natural, nature found ingredients. When the body is presented to process man-made ingredients (synthetic products), the body usually cannot assimilate the chemicals properly. In most cases, the body will recognize the synthetic ingredients as a toxin and kick in the elimination process.

“Most pharmaceutical drugs are single chemical entities that are highly refined and purified and are often synthesized. In 1987 about 85% of modern drugs were originally derived from plants. Currently, only about 15% of drugs are derived from plants. In contrast, herbal medicines are prepared from living or dried plants and contain hundreds to thousands of interrelated compounds. Science is beginning to demonstrate that the safety and effectiveness of herbs is often related to the synergy of its many constituents.” – inspiracenter@gmail.com

Here’s an example, let’s compare and contrast our natural vitamin C supplement with a synthetic form of vitamin C. Our vitamin C formula uses Rose Hips as the base. Rose Hips or the Rose Haw is the accessory fruit of the rose plant. As we know the Rose flower is natural and produced in nature. 1 cup of Rose Hips will yield about 540mg of vitamin C. This natural form of vitamin C can easily be processed and assimilated by the human body.

Now let’s examine how most synthetic forms of vitamin C are made. The majority of commercial synthetic vitamin C supplements are derived from genetically modified corn and can be processed with other synthetic chemicals like acetone. Scientist have been able to isolate Ascorbic Acid and create their own version in the laboratory. But this synthetic version is not of nature and does not contain all of the natural chemical compounds our body needs or would usually digest through whole foods (ie – cherries, oranges, etc.).

“It’s not always easy to stop eating the many acidic foods we’ve enjoyed for so long and have become addicted to, but it can be accomplished through cleansing and nourishing our bodies with the foods the Creator has provided.” – Dr. Sebi (herbalist)

“If we are of nature, so should be all we consume.”

It all boils down to what our bodies can digest and utilize properly. Natural products just happen to contain the fiber and the nutrients that our bodies can properly assimilate. If we are beings born of this Earth then it would only sound logical to consume what comes from this Earth. Why would you want to eat a fruit that doesn’t contains seeds and what modified in a laboratory instead of a fruit that contains seeds and grows from the soil of the planet as nature intended? Price or money should not hold a higher stake in our lives than our health!

Another important note when discussing natural vs synthetic is the fact that almost every synthetic product is based on something natural. You see, one cannot put a patent on something of nature. You cannot own a substance of nature (Monsantos is another subject). But when dealing with companies and individuals who are more concerned with power and money than what’s best for the people; you get the current state of products & medicines.

Let’s use aspirin, for example, a substance or product that is emulated from nature. As far back as ancient Egypt people have used the Willow Bark as a natural remedy for pain relief. They would chew it, make tea from it and even turn it into a powder substance. Fast forward to 1828 where a German pharmacologist by the name of Johann Andreas Buchner was able to extract willow bark into a material called salicin. Salicin is an alcoholic β-glucoside. Salicin is produced in willow bark and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent in the human body. In 1838, Raffaelle Piria an Italian chemist was able to split salicin to create salicylic acid. The world now held the ability to produce salicylic acid at a massive rate. A chemical reaction between salicylic acid and acetic acid is the building blocks of Aspirin. But there is a huge difference in the Willow Bark and the laboratory-derived Asprin. Major studies like the one here indicate that Aspirin is responsible for over 3,000 deaths a year! And although there are some mild side effect from taking LARGE amounts of Willow Bark, per my knowledge there has never been a death caused by Willow Bark.

So in closing, natural products are obtained from plant-derived sources and synthetic products are usually made artificially using an industrial process to isolate nutrients found in nature. And even if the chemical compounds match the body does not recognize or assimilate the chemicals the same. So next time you are wondering if you shell out the extra money or take the extra trip for a natural alternative product, consider this article. And consider your health.

peace & love

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